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Discounted Price: HK$ 520

NJSTAR CJK ViewerProduct code:NJWIN

NJWIN is a "plugin" software designed to enable normal windows programs to display and print Chinese, Japanese and Korean (CJK) characters under the standard English and Western Windows environment.

All Chinese / Japanese / Korean (CJK) coding standards are supported in NJWIN, and coding can be switched on the fly from one to another depending on the document being viewed.

The Internet is the fastest growing communication network today. Therefore, many of NJWIN's features are designed specifically for Internet. As the result, NJWIN is the best Internet CJK viewer for browsing CJK Web pages, reading CJK news in UseNet newsgroups and reading CJK email messages.

If you need CJK input function as well as CJK reading, please check out our more advanced and best-selling software product - NJStar Communicator.

Pls call (852) 2398-1908 or email to enquiry@insightHK.com for details
Discounted Price: HK$ 2,850

NJSTAR Chinese Wordprocessor Pro JP Plus 南極星文書處理專業版 JF PlusProduct code:NJSWPPJFP

南極星全球通 H.K. Edition 3.2 是最新支援 Windows 8.1 / 8,64 bit 及32 bit Unicode 的版本,HK Edition 支援香港特區政府的外字標準 HKSCS-2008 香港增補字符集,並附送 5 款優質華康 Unicode 字型。

南極星全球通專長於輔助 MS Windows 用戶閱讀與輸入繁簡中文、日文及韓文。無論您使用的是任何語系之 MS
Windows 8.1 / 8 / 7 / XP / VistaWin Server 2012 / 2008 / 2003,均可以隨意閱讀,輸入及轉換繁體或簡體中文、日文與韓文文字。

Pls call (852) 2398-1908 or email to enquiry@insightHK.com for details
Discounted Price: HK$ 1,780

NJSTAR Chinese Wordprocessor Pro 南極星文書處理專業版Product code:NJSWPP

南極星全球通 H.K. Edition 3.2 是最新支援 Windows 8.1 / 8,64 bit 及32 bit Unicode 的版本,HK Edition 支援香港特區政府的外字標準 HKSCS-2008 香港增補字符集,並附送 5 款優質華康 Unicode 字型。

南極星全球通專長於輔助 MS Windows 用戶閱讀與輸入繁簡中文、日文及韓文。無論您使用的是任何語系之 MS
Windows 8.1 / 8 / 7 / XP / VistaWin Server 2012 / 2008 / 2003,均可以隨意閱讀,輸入及轉換繁體或簡體中文、日文與韓文文字。

Pls call (852) 2398-1908 or email to enquiry@insightHK.com for details
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